MVR Program and Portal FAQ
Updated April 2024
The below is provided to assist your district in accessing this Pool Member benefit, and to set forth general
background on related legal issues. The information below is provided as a general member service and
may not be substituted for the opinion of your district’s legal counsel or human resource professionals.
A: Motor vehicle records (MVRs) are considered consumer reports. Therefore, every employer using
MVRs for employment purposes as a “permissible use” must comply with the requirements of the Fair
Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), the Driver’s Privacy Protection Act (DPPA) and Colorado laws (C.R.S. §§ 24-
72-204 and 42-1-206).
If your district wants to use SambaSafety’s MVR continuous monitoring program, your district must be
able to certify its compliance with these laws to SambaSafety for its service agreement (in a click-through)
upon setting up your account. If you would like to review the service agreement before you set up an
account (below), please contact
The threshold issue on compliance with these laws is: did job applicants or employees provide written
consent to the employer to pull for pulling their MVRs? If your district has used an applicant’s or
employee’s MVR for possible employment purposes, your district has already had to seek and retain a
signed written consent form. Further, before taking adverse action against an applicant or employee
based on the MVR, your district must provide a copy of the MVR to the applicant/employee and a copy of
“A Summary of Your Rights Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act.” Upon or after taking adverse action, your
district must provide notice to the applicant/ employee, including (but not limited to) the contact
information for the reporting company and the methods by which the applicant/employee may dispute
the accuracy of the report. The Federal Trade Commission has a helpful resource for employers on these
obligations, titled “Using Consumer Reports: What Employers Need to Know.”
Further, if your district is considering taking adverse action, it should consider whether to request an MVR
from the Colorado Department of Revenue, Form DR 2489, “Driver Record Requestor Release and
Affidavit of Intended Use.”
Please note that, if your district chooses to access employee MVRs through SambaSafety, the employees
for whom MVRs are pulled are those which you report to the Pool for renewal. If there are any mid-period
changes in drivers, your district will need written consent for new employees for its records and to add
new employees or remove old employees from the list of drivers which your district reports to the Pool.
Please see the FAQ below on how to add or delete drivers from your list reported to the Pool.
Finally, even if your district has employee written consent to pull MVRs, your district’s form may not be
broad enough to provide adequate disclosure to employees for SambaSafety’s MVR continuous
monitoring program. If you are not certain, consult with your district’s legal counsel or human resource
professionals. If you would like a template for a broad form for an applicant/employee’s written consent,
click here.
A: Since we cannot assign you to view only cetrain drivers’ MVRs, you will be unable to participate in the
program if you do not have permission from all program participants.
For use at your district, a broad form template for an applicant/employee’s written consent is available
by clicking here.
A: An email to activate your SambaSafety Qorta portal was sent to eligible district Property and Liability
contacts, Workers’ Compensation contacts, and the districts’ brokers. The activation email is only good
for seven days and is being sent via Please note that your username is your email
address and you will be required to set a unique password.
A: If your email has expired, you can request a new activation token by contacting
A: The CSD Pool has paid for the baseline MVRs and the monthly monitoring fees. The only cost to the
district is when a new MVR is generated. New MVRs are generated when a driver is added, when new
MVRs are requested on existing drivers and when there is a change in the MVR status such as a
violation, suspended, or expired license. The cost of a new Colorado MVR is $6.00. In Colorado, the
charge for the MVR is the same for drivers with regular licenses as well as those with CDL licenses.
Charges for MVRs in other states may be different.
A: Invoices come directly to the CSD Pool, and we pay for them initially. The CSD Pool will only invoice
the member for costs incurred through SambaSafety if $100 or more in charges has accumulated during
the billing cycle, which is from July through June of the following year. Most districts will not see a
charge. Invoices are issued in July.
A: You simply do not activate your account.
A: Any member who elects not to participate in SambaSafety, or who does not keep their driver list
current, will receive a surcharge against their Automobile Liability and Automobile Physical Damage rates
applicable to the district-owned autos scheduled.
A: No, you can choose to participate at any time. Please contact to get set up.
A: Colorado MVRs will report violations back seven years. Other states are different.
A: Yes, upon conviction.
A: Yes!
- From home screen
- Select your email address in the upper right hand corner
- Select User Preference from the drop down menu
- Select daily notifications
A: Yes. You can run a one-time MVR for pre-employment purposes. If you hire that person, you would
simply turn on continuous monitoring.
A: If you are participating in the SambaSafety continuous MVR program, you will simply keep your
SambaSafety Qorta portal current by removing drivers that are no longer employed and adding
new drivers. If you are not participating in the SambaSafety program, you no longer have to email
driver changes to us.
A: A driver with a red box or a poor score may indicate a reckless driving conviction, DUI conviction, or
more times than not, an expired license. Currently, these scores do not penalize the district. However,
we ask that districts manage their own drivers according to the district’s fleet safety program which
should include the minimum standards an employee must meet to be an authorized driver for district
business, whether driving a district owned or personal vehicle.
A: Yes. In the case of an expired license, the State of Colorado does not automatically notify Samba of the
renewal. For more info on when Samba will automatically pull MVRs, visit here.
A: Once you access your SambaSafety Qorta portal, follow the instructions below. Full instructions for
Qorta is available by clicking here.
To delete a driver:
- Go to “People Page”
- In the upper right-hand corner, search for the driver
- Click on the driver
- Turn off Monitoring
- Click on the first Pencil icon to edit the driver status
- In the status box, change active to archive
- Click on “Save Person”
To add a driver:
- Go to “People” Page 4 of 5
- In the upper right-hand corner click on the Add New button and select New Person
- Complete the required information as it appears on the license
- First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, and Suffix
- Date of Birth
- License State
- License Number
- PA and AZ require that last four of the Social Security Number
- NJ requires the entire Social Security Number
A: No, we are not monitoring drivers in California due to the state’s requirements. We encourage district
drivers to obtain a Colorado license as soon as possible. If this is an issue for your district, please reach
out to Monitoring Pennsylvania drivers may not be immediately available as it
required special paperwork to be submitted to the state. Utah MVRs are now available.
A: Not at this time. The CSD Pool does not exclude drivers and at this time we are not charging for drivers
with poor MVR status. We will encourage districts with poor driversto implement driver training for those
poor drivers to improve their overall MVR status. In SambaSafety’s Qorta portal, you have the ability to
add credits for training which will reduce the overall score. We ask that districts manage their own drivers
according to the district’s fleet safety program.
A: No, we automatically provided eligible Property and Liability contacts, Workers’ Compensation
contacts, and brokers access to SambaSafety’s Qorta portal. District employees have manager’s rights and
can view all information in the portal. Brokers were given limited access. If you have others in your district
that need access, or you wish to remove access, please email
A: In Colorado, yes. Other states may be different. We encourage those drives with licenses issued in
other states to obtain a Colorado license.
A: No, this is only an MVR monitoring program. CDL drivers have other requirements that are beyond
the scope of MVRs.
A: No. SambaSafety has developed its own point system based on the number and types of violations.
The criteria for SambaSafety’s point system is posted on our website. SambaSafety has developed three
categories for drivers: Red—drivers with 15 points and above; Yellow—drivers with one to 14 points; and
Green—drivers with no violations.
A: SambaSafety holds a weekly Driver Record Monitoring Training every Thursday at 10:30 MT.
You can also sign up for a live training or pre-recorded training session.
For more resources, review our recent article or visit our website at